Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Final Week

Due to Final Test, Final Papers are due this week. I'm really busy~~~! So I'll try to post more when I'm done with school!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Day of Carpenter~~

So, some of you know that my house got some extensions. As result is Less fun, more work T-T. By all means, I love doing carpenter works...... But Carrying around over 30 sheet-rocks isn't something I call "FUN".
From 10am~6pm, cutting, nailing, breaking, lifting, turning, bending, and screaming here and there. I'm dead beat! I still have papers I need to do for college. And 3 more tests I need to take before monday~~~! (Kill me).

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Have your parents ever caught you drinking?
LOL, don't like to drink

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Hm... Not sure...

Do you like the color green?
Depend on what kind of green.

What color socks are you wearing?

What are you listening to?
SoulJa ft. Thelma “ここにいるよ” - "I am here".

When's the last time you cried?
About week ago from laughing so hard.

Whens your birthday?
Astrology of Anubis and birth flower of Larkspur.

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Of course countless times. LOL

What do you spend most of your money on?
Recently on watches.

Do you have a secret?
So many of them, I forgot few of secrets....

Who was the last person to call you?

Who has your heart?

Have you ever passed out from drinking?
Never, cuz never get drunk.

What objects are around you right now?
Cellphone, watch, water, PDA, Sakura

What were you doing before this?
Eating some dinner.

Name a person you hate?
Good Q. Not sure, if I have someone I HATE. I have few, I don't care, but don't have any that I hate.

Are you looking forward to tomorrow?
Yes! Pay-Day~~~~~~!

Do you want the last person you had strong feelings for back?

What's your favorite restaurant?
Koko's Kitchen, Kyoto, Thai Siam, lists goes on...

Do you miss someone?

Are you wearing make-up?
LOL, I'm not my bro, I don't wear make-up. If I did, that'll be scary.

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
'97 Toyota Supra! Can someone buy me?

Who makes you happiest right now?
Sakura, she's so funny!

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Reading about NA tuning for GC8's 2.5L H4 engine.

Are you left handed?
I can be, but I prefer right.

What is the last thing you thought about?
What color I want for my color contacts.

My last drink was?

Marriage is?
Something, I cannot see right now. Maybe year or so later, but not right now.

The last time I cried was because?
Laugh so hard.

Do you get along better with guys or girls?
Not sure.....

Last person you texted?
Davy. To get some info.

Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?
Prefer morning, but when I was in High school, I took shower both morning & night.

Have you been to New York City?
Don't think so.

Who is the last person you added to your contacts list in your phone?
Stephanie... Well, I knew her, but I lost her #, when I got new phone. Sorry Steph~~!

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Of course~~~! My best friend Jenny!!!!

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
Hope I did on my mission. Maybe my bro too.

Do you remember the name of your first school you ever went to?
I've lost 12 and younger age memories.

What is the name of your sibling's best friend?
IDK..... More like, I don't Care.

Has anyone ever been more important to you than a family member?
Of course! My car! j/k, Hm..... I don't think so.

Last time you smiled?
Really smiled was last time I hang out with Jenny! It was fun!

Would you cry if you found out you were pregnant?
More like suprize. If a guy can get pregnant, that crazy.

What outfit do you have on at this exact moment?
PJ, need to get some sleep, so I won't be sleepy tomorrow.

What color are your eyes?
Black-ish brown.

Do you know someone who likes you?
LOL, don't know. If anyone knows let me know... j/k

Have you ever been in handcuffs?
Almost..... j/k, not in my memory that I can recall.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Outline is done

So like I said while back on the blog. I was planning to draw my dream. K, I'm half way done with my story, so next plan is to start drawing charas. So far, there are 7 basic characters will be coming out. I'll prob gonna make another blog area to all the managa series pic and all other info! But as for now I gonna blog about it here! Wish me luck for good Manga

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Next Haircut plan!

May is right around the corner~~~! That means I gonna cut my hair. Some friend say "Yeah, look better with short hair." But some say "Why you gonna cut your hair? You look good with long hair."This debate is going on for more than year now.....

But it doesn't matter who say short is better or long is better! Cuz it's MY HAIR and I gonna do what ever I want (to certain level). Now my plan for this summer is to have it short hair! Sadly, I had same short hairstyle for over 8 years! By all means I don't mind having same short hair again.... But I want something new short hairstyle! So far, I found one style I like.

So this is Gackt! Japanese Singer, and he's bit weird. But he has always had cool clothes and hairstyle. One of them is this. It's bit short IMO, but I think, it looks good. Specially I like the top part of the hair. It's spike up, but in casual way. Over all it's not short enough to be buzzed, but short enough to spike it up.

Well, this is one of the haircut I want to do..... Not 100% sure, I'm going to, but if there isn't any good ones come up by end of April, I'll be going with this haircut.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cactus Battle!

FYI to all my friends. I'm not good at keeping the plant alive.... I've killed 3 cactuses before, but my good friend want me to kill another cactus. (LOL) BUT my plan is to keep this cactus alive til Jenny's Cactus is dried up like raisin !
Let's see who win this battle.....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

New Manga!

So, recently I haven't drawn any manga. Due to work, school, and specially my laziness (LOL). But recently, I have this dream over and over again. Like last manga, it felt somewhat realistic and have strong impression, so I couldn't forget this dream. But sadly this manga gonna only be in Japanese..... Because this dream is always in Japanese. Sorry no Subbing or Dubbing. But maybe (just maybe) I'll make it into English after I'm done drawing it in Japanese.

As for the Storyline.... I can't say much yet. But title is "ここにいるよ" which means "I am here". Sadly, I only can see 3 people in this story... But if this dream goes on look like it's gonna have 3~4 more people gonna be in there.... But that's still in planning stage, so I can't say 100% sure.

Hopefully, I can finish this story before I go to vacation on May. Finals and Projects @ school is killing, but see what I can do. So, whish me luck....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let's Work Out~~!

So, some know that, I've started weight lifting again. It's almost 3 weeks, I've weight lifting. Progress is somewhat good, cuz always working out with few friends of mine. BUT today was killer~~! we bump up 5lbs to our weights and that 5lbs is BIG difference! even doing 10 was nightmare. LOL
Spring is right around the corner! That means that summer is on the way. I kinda want to look decent for summer. I don't say "buf-guy" or anything, but good enough that I won't be shame. We'll see how this gonna weight lifting gonna go on (hopefully til end of summer).
Alan dying on the bench....
Me, ready to die....